Publications 2016
1. Electronic structure, Dirac points and Fermi arc surface states in three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Na3Bi from angle-resolved photoemission
A.J. Liang, C.Y. Chen, Z.J. Wang, Y.G. Shi, Y. Feng, H.M. Yi, Z.J. Xie, S.L. He, J.F. He, Y.Y. Peng, Y. Liu, D.F. Liu, C. Hu, L. Zhao, G.D. Liu, X.L. Dong, J. Zhang, M. Nakatake, H. Iwasawa, K. Shimada, M. Arita, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, Z.Y. Xu, C.T. Chen, H.M. Weng, X. Dai, Z. Fang and X.J. Zhou
Chin. Phys. B 25, 077101 (2016)
2. Spiral magnetic order and pressure-induced superconductivity in transition metal compounds
Y.S. Wang, Y.J. Feng, J.G.Cheng, W.Wu, J.L.Luo, T.F. Rosenbaum
Nat. Comms. 7, 13037 (2016)
3. High-pressure synchrotron Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction studies: Exploring the structure-related valence fluctuation in EuNi2P2
C.Y. Li, Z.H. Yu, W.L. Bi, J.Y. Zhao, M.Y. Hu, J.G. Zhao, W. Wu, J.L. Luo, H. Yan, E.E. Alp, H.Z. Liu
Physica B 501, 101 (2016)
4. Raman phonons in the ferroelectric-like metal LiOsO3
F. Jin, A.M. Zhang, J.T. Ji, K. Liu, L. Wang, Y.G. Shi, Y. Tian, X.L. Ma and Q.M. Zhang
Phys. Rev. B 93, 064303 (2016)
5. New phase transition in Na2Ti2As2O revealed by Raman scattering
D. Chen, T.T. Zhang, Z.D.Song, H. Li, W.L. Zhang, T. Qian, J.L. Luo, Y.G. Shi, Z. Fang, P. Richard and H.Ding
Phys. Rev. B 93, 140501 (2016)
6. Emergence of topological bands on the surface of ZrSnTe crystal
R. Lou, J.Z. Ma, Q.N. Xu, B.B. Fu, L.Y. Kong, Y.G. Shi, P. Richard, H.M. Weng, Z. Fang, S.S. Sun, Q. Wang, H.C. Lei, T. Qian, H. Ding and S.C. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 93, 241104 (2016)
7. Anisotropic transport and optical spectroscopy study on antiferromagnetic triangular lattice EuCd2As2: An interplay between magnetism and charge
H.P. Wang, D.S. Wu, Y. G. Shi and N. L. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 94, 045112 (2016)
8. Raman scattering study of large magnetoresistance semimetals TaAs2 and NbAs2
F. Jin, X.L. Ma, P.J. Guo, C.J. Yi, L. Wang, Y.Y. Wang, Q.H. Yu, J.M. Sheng, A.M. Zhang, J.T. Ji, Y. Tian, K. Liu, Y.G. Shi, T.L. Xia and Q.M. Zhang
Phys. Rev. B 94, 094302 (2016)
9. Coupled commensurate charge density wave and lattice distortion in Na2Ti2Pn2O (Pn = As,Sb) determined by x-ray diffraction and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
N.R. Davies, R.D. Johnson, A.J. Princep, L.A. Gannon, J.Z. Ma, T. Qian, P. Richard, H. Li, M. Shi, H. Nowell, P.J. Baker, Y.G. Shi, H. Ding, J.L. Luo, Y.F. Guo and A.T. Boothroyd
Phys. Rev. B 94, 104515 (2016)
10. Disentangling the surface and bulk electronic structures of LaOFeAs
P. Zhang, J. Ma, T. Qian, Y.G. Shi, A.V. Fedorov, J.D. Denlinger, X.X. Wu, J.P. Hu, P. Richard and H. Ding
Phys. Rev. B 94, 104517 (2016)
11. Spin correlations and colossal magnetoresistance in HgCr2Se4
C.J. Lin, C.J. Yi, Y.G. Shi, L. Zhang, G.M. Zhang, J. Muller and Y.Q. Li
Phys. Rev. B 94, 224404 (2016)
12. Compensated Semimetal LaSb with Unsaturated Magnetoresistance
L.K. Zeng, R. Lou, D.S. Wu, Q.N. Xu, P.J. Guo, L.Y. Kong, Y.G. Zhong, J.Z. Ma, B.B. Fu, P. Richard, P. Wang, G.T. Liu, L. Lu, Y.B. Huang, C. Fang, S.S. Sun, Q. Wang, L. Wang, Y.G. Shi, H.M. Weng, H.C. Lei, K. Liu, S.C. Wang, T. Qian, J.L. Luo and H.Ding
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 127204 (2016)
13. 31P NMR study of magnetic phase transitions of MnP single crystal under 2 GPa pressure
G.Z. Fan, B. Zhao, W. Wu, P. Zheng and J.L. Luo
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 657403 (2016)
14. Effects of temperature and magnetic field direction on the electron-hole compensation in WTe2
Y. Li, Y.B. Zhu, Y.G. Shi and X.G. Qiu
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 59, 674222 (2016)
15. Raman scattering in the transition-metal dichalcogenides of 1T’-MoTe2, Td-MoTe2 and Td-WTe2
X.L. Ma, P.J. Guo, C.J. Yi, Q.H. Yu, A.M. Zhang, J.T. Ji, and Y. Tian
Phys. Rev. B 94, 214105 (2016)
16. Giant semiclassical magnetoresistance in high mobility TaAs2 semimetal
D.S. Wu, J. Liao, W. Yi, X. Wang, P.G. Li, H.M. Weng, Y.G. Shi, Y.Q. Li, J.L. Luo, X. Dai and Z. Fang
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 042105 (2016)
17. Penetration depth measurements of K2Cr3As3 and Rb2Cr3As3
G.M. Pang, M. Smidman, W.B. Jiang, Y.G. Shi, J.K. Bao, Z.T. Tang, Z.F. Weng, Y.F. Wang, L. Jiao, J.L. Zhang, J.L. Luo, G.H. Cao and H.Q. Yuan
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 400, 84 (2016)
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