Group Ex1:

Electronic properties of strongly Correlated Systems

Group Ex1: 

Electronic properties of strongly Correlated Systems

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Group EX1: Electronic properties of Strongly Correlated Systems

Correlated electron systems in which the strong local repulsion between electrons plays a crucial role are in the center of present physical interest. Electronic correlations can cause striking many-body effects like electronic localization, magnetism, charge ordering, quantum criticality, high-Tc superconductivity, etc. The behaviors of electrons in these materials and systems are usually described as “novel”, “unconventional”, “strange”. The complex interplay between charge, spin, lattice as well as orbital degrees of freedom makes those materials very challenging area in condensed matter physics. 

In recent years, our research is focused on unconventional superconductivity and its competing orders in 3d transitional metallic compounds. In past a few years, we discovered superconductivity in CrAs, MnP, Pr3Cr10N11 and WP. CrAs and MnP are the first superconductors among the Cr- and Mn- based compounds. Another research topic is of topological quantum materials. Especially, infrared and quantum-oscillation studies of the topological quantum materials with electronic correlations are expected to provide a solid basis for exploring novel topological quantum phenomena and developing high-performance electronic devices in the future.

  • Exploration of new materials and properties: growing various single crystal of interest, including transition metal compound such as high Tc superconductors, inter-metallic compound and heavy Fermion sysytems.
  • Researches on electronic-structure of topological quantum materialsfocus on the electronic states and evolution, interaction of electronic and bosonic collective excitation modes, and charge dynamics of correlated electronic systems using infrared spectroscopy
  • Transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of strongly correlated transition-metal compoundsfocuses on the phase transition of some important transition metal compounds, metal-insulator transition, quantum phase transition and critical behavior, and unconventional superconductivity under low temperature and strong magnetic field.
  • Construction of low temperature physical property measuring systemdevelop and build two experimental systems for SECUF in HuaiRou, Beijing in next 3 years. One is quantum oscillation measuring system, which contains an all super-conducting magnet up to 30T, and a low temperature environment down to 20mK. Another is infrared spectrometer in 20T magnetic field, time domain magneto-THz spectrometer and time resolved pump-probe spectrometer.

Copyright © CAS/IOP/EX1    XinboWang update @ 2020.01.01

Copyright © EX1.IOP.CAS    Xinbo Wang update @ 2022.05.05