Publications 2007
1. Anomalous metallic state of Cu0.07TiSe2: an optical spectroscopy study
G. Li, W.Z. Hu, J. Dong, D. Qian, D. Hsieh, M.Z. Hasan, E. Morosan, R.J. Cava and N.L. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 167002 (2007)
2. Semimetal to semimetal charge density wave transition in 1T-TiSe2
G. Li, W.Z. Hu, D. Qian, D. Hsieh, M.Z. Hasan, E. Morosan, R.J. Cava and N.L. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 027404 (2007)
3. Emergence of Fermi Pockets in a New Excitonic Charge-Density-Wave Melted Superconductor
D. Qian, D. Hsieh, L. Wray, E. Morosan, N.L. Wang, Y. Xia, R.J. Cava, and M.Z. Hasan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117007 (2007)
4. Series of modulated structures in SrxCoO2 and the modulation rule
L.D. Yao, Y.Q. Guo, J.L. Luo, W. Zhang, F.Y. Li, C.Q. Jin and R.C. Yu
Phys. Rev. B 75, 174118 (2007)
5. Spin-glass behavior in hexagonal Na0.70MnO2
L.B. Luo, Y.G. Zhao, G.M. Zhang, S.M. Guo, Z. Li, J.L. Luo
Phys. Rev. B 75, 125115 (2007)
6. Strontium ordering, structural modulation in layered hexagonal SrxCoO2 and physical properties of Sr0.35CoO2
H.X. Yang, Y.G. Shi, Y.Q Guo, X. Liu, R.J. Xiao
Mater. Res. Bull. 42, 94 (2007)
7. Tuning Co Valence State in Cobalt Oxyhydrate Superconductor by Postreduction
Z. Ren, J.L. Luo, Z.A. Xu and G.H. Cao
Chem. Mater. 19, 4432 (2007)
8. Low-temperature magnetic and transport properties of layered (Sr,Ca)xCoO2 single crystals
Y.Q. Guo, J.L. Luo, D. Wu, Z. Li, N.L. Wang, D. Jin, H.Y. Zhang and Y.G. Zhao
Phys. Rev. B 75, 214432 (2007)
9. Optical study of the charge-density-wave mechanism in 2H-TaS2 and NaxTaS2
W.Z. Hu, G. Li, J. Yan, H.H. Wen, G. Wu, X.H. Chen and N.L. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 76, 045103 (2007)
10. Mode coupling effect in infrared spectra of Tl-based cuprates
Y. C. Ma and N. L. Wang
Physica C 460-462, 202 (2007) (Invited talk at M2S-conference)
11. Structure, charge ordering and physical properties of LuFe2O4
Y. Zhang, H.X. Yang, Y.Q. Guo, C. Ma, H.F. Tian, J.L. Luo and J.Q. Li
Phys. Rev. B, 76, 184105 (2007)
12. Nanoscale Periodic Morphologies on the Fracture Surface of Brittle Metallic Glasses
G. Wang, D.Q. Zhao, H.Y. Bai, M.X. Pan, A.L. Xia, B.S. Han, X.K. Xi, Y. Wu and W.H. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 235501 (2007)
13. Tuning electrical properties of conjugated polymer nanowires with the diameter
J.L. Duvail,Y.Z. Long,S. Cuenot,Z.J. Chen and C.Z. Gu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 102114 (2007)
14. Heavy-fermion behavior in cerium-based metallic glasses
M.B. Tang, H.Y. Bai, W.H. Wang,D. Bogdanov, K. Winzer, K. Samwer and T. Egami
Phys. Rev. B 75 172201 (2007)
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