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Publications 2017

1. Uncooled EuSbTe3 photodetector highly sensitive from ultraviolet to terahertz frequencies

Y.Y. Niu, D. Wu, Y.Q. Su, H. Zhu, B. Wang, Y.X. Wang, Z.R. Zhao, P. Zheng, J.S. Niu, H.B. Zhou, J. Wei and N.L. Wang

2D Mater. 5, 011008 (2017)

2. Visualizing Type-II Weyl Points in Tungsten Ditelluride by Quasiparticle Interference

C.L. Lin, R. Arafune, R.-Y. Liu, M. Yoshimura, B.J. Feng, K. Kawahara, Z.Y. Ni, E. Minamitani, S. Watanabe, Y.G Shi, M. Kawai, T.-C. Chiang, I. Matsuda and N. Takagi

ACS Nano 11, 11459 (2017)

3. Epitaxial Growth and Air-Stability of Monolayer Antimonene on PdTe2

X. Wu, Y. Shao, H. Liu, Z.L. Feng, Y.L. Wang, J.T. Sun, C. Liu, J.O. Wang, Z.L. Liu, S.Y. Zhu, Y.Q. Wang, S.X. Du, Y.G. Shi, K. Ibrahim and H.J. Gao

Adv. Mater. 29, 1605407 (2017)

4. Gapped Spin-1/2 Spinon Excitations in a New Kagome Quantum Spin Liquid Compound Cu3Zn(OH)6FBr

Z.L. Feng, Z. Li, X. Meng, W. Yi, Y. Wei, J. Zhang, Y.C. Wang, W. Jiang, Z. Liu, S.Y. Li, F. Liu, J.L. Luo, S.L. Li, G.Q. Zheng, Z.Y. Meng, J.W. Mei and Y.G. Shi

Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 077502 (2017)

5. Observation of Temperature Induced Plasma Frequency Shift in an Extremely Large Magnetoresistance Compound LaSb

W.J. Ban, W.T. Guo, J.L. Luo and Nan-Lin Wang

Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 077804 (2017)

6. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the superconducting properties of quasi-1Dsuperconductor K2Cr3As3

J.P. Sun, Y.Y. Jiao, C.L. Yang, W. Wu, C.J. Yi, B.S. Wang, Y.G. Shi, J.L. Luo, Y. Uwatoko and J.G. Cheng

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29, 455603 (2017)

7. Pressure-induced superconductivity in CrAs and MnP

J.G. Cheng and J.L. Luo

J. Phys.Condens. Matter 29, 383003 (2017)

8. First-principles calculations of the magnetic and electronic structures of MnP under pressure

Y.J. Xu, M. Liu, P. Zheng, X.G. Chen, J.G. Cheng, J.L. Luo, W.H. Xie and Y.F. Yang,

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29, 244001 (2017)

9. Observation of topological states residing at stepedges of WTe2

L. Peng, Y. Yuan, G. Li, X. Yang, J.J. Xian, C.J. Yi, Y.G. Shi and Y.S. Fu

Nat. Commun. 8, 659 (2017)

10. Observation of three-component fermions in the topological semimetal molybdenum phosphide

B.Q. Lv, Z.-L. Feng, Q.-N. Xu, X. Gao, J.-Z. Ma, L.-Y. Kong, P. Richard, Y.-B. Huang, V. N. Strocov, C. Fang, H.-M. Weng, Y.-G. Shi, T. Qian and H. Ding

Nature 546, 627 (2017)

11. Heavy fermion behavior in the quasi-one-dimensional Kondolattice CeCo2Ga8

L. Wang, Z.M. Fu, J.P. Sun, M. Liu, W. Yi, C.J. Yi, Y.K. Luo, Y.M. Dai, G.T. Liu, Y. Matsushita, K. Yamaura, L. Lu, J.G. Cheng, Y.F. Yang, Y.G. Shi and J.L. Luo

NPJ Quantum Materials 2, 36 (2017)

12. Spectroscopic evidence for bulk-band inversion and three-dimensional massive Dirac fermions in ZrTe5

Z.G. Chen, R.Y. Chen, R.D. Zhong, J. Schneeloch, C. Zhang, Y. Huang, F.M. Qua, R. Yu, Q. Li, G.D. Gu, and N.L. Wang

PNAS 114, 816 (2017)

13. Evidence of topological insulator state in the semimetal LaBi

R. Lou, B.B. Fu, Q.N. Xu, P.J. Guo, L.Y. Kong, L.K. Zeng, J.Z. Ma, P. Richard, C. Fang, Y.B. Huang, S.S. Sun, Q. Wang, L. Wang, Y.G. Shi, H.C. Lei, K. Liu, H.M. Weng, T. Qian, H. Ding and S.-C. Wang

Phys. Rev. B 95, 115140 (2017)

14. Coherent helix vacancy phonon and its ultrafast dynamics waning in topological Dirac semimetal Cd3As2

F. Sun, Q. Wu, Y. L. Wu, H. Zhao, C.J. Yi, Y.C. Tian, H.W. Liu, Y.G. Shi, H. Ding, X. Dai, P. Richard and J.M. Zhao

Phys. Rev. B 95, 235108 (2017)

15. Single-crystal growth and physical property characterization of the intermediate-valence compound YbFe2Al10

J.L. Lv, R.Y. Chen, H.P. Wang, J.L. Luo and N. L. Wang

Phys. Rev. B 95, 235132 (2017)

16. Robustness of topological states with respect to lattice instability in the nonsymmorphic topological insulator KHgSb

D. Chen, T.T. Zhang, C.J. Yi, Z.D. Song, W.L. Zhang, T. Zhang, Y.G. Shi, H.M. Weng, Z. Fang, P. Richard and H. Ding

Phys. Rev. B 96, 064102 (2017)

17. Interplay of spin-orbit coupling and hybridization in Ca3LiOsO6 and Ca3LiRuO6

S. Calder, D.J. Singh, V.O. Garlea, M.D. Lumsden, Y.G. Shi, K. Yamaura and A. D. Christianson

Phys. Rev. B 96, 184426 (2017)

18. Large negative magnetoresistance of a nearly Dirac material: Layered antimonide EuMnSb2

C.J. Yi, S. Yang, M. Yang, L Wang, Y. Matsushita, S.S. Miao, Y.Y. Jiao, J.G. Cheng, Y.Q. Li, K. Yamaura, Y.G. Shi and J.L. Luo

Phys. Rev. B 96, 205103 (2017)

19. Two-Dimensional Massless Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic AFe2As2 (A=Ba;Sr) 

Z.G. Chen, L.Y. Wang, Y. Song, X.Y. Lu, H.Q. Luo, C.L. Zhang, P.C. Dai, Z.P. Yin, K. Haule and G. Kotliar

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 096401 (2017)

20. Experimental evidence of hourglass fermion in thecandidate nonsymmorphic topological insulator KHgSb

J.Z. Ma, C.J. Yi, B.Q. Lv, Z.J. Wang, S.M. Nie, L. Wang, L.Y. Kong, Y.B. Huang, P. Richard, P. Zhang, K. Yaji, K. Kuroda, S. Shin, H.M. Weng, B.A. Bernevig, Y.G. Shi, T. Qian and H. Ding

Sci. Adv. 3, e1602415 (2017)

21. Orbital-dependent charge dynamics in MnP revealed by optical study

P. Zheng, Y. J. Xu, W. Wu, G. Xu, J.L. Lv, F.K. Lin, P. Wang, Y.F. Yang and J. L. Luo

Sci. Rep. 7, 14178 (2017)

22. CrAs超导体的研究和展望


科学通报62, 4037 (2017)

23. Structural evolution behavior of manganese monophosphide under high pressure: experimental and theoretical study

Z.H. Yu, W. Wu, P.C. Lu, J.G. Zhao, J.G. Cheng, Q.Y. Hu, Y. Yuan, X. Li, C.Y. Pei, F.J. Chen, Z.P. Yan, S. Yan, K. Yang, J. Sun, J.L. Luo and L. Wang,

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29, 254002 (2017)

24. Special issue on pressure-induced superconductivity in CrAs and MnP

J.L. Luo and J.G. Cheng

J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29, 440301 (2017)

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